Mobile Technology

The latest news and technology solutions to improve your company’s mobility infrastructure. From articles on mobility planning, initial set-up and expansion, to the newest technological advancements and business strategies, including BYOD, and more. We’ll keep you Connected with our Mobile Technology News.

The Transformer

Microsoft has done it again. They have introduced a product that can only be described as the thinnest, lightest, most powerful Surface Pro they have ever made. The Surface Pro…

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The Advantages of UCaaS

Today’s workers are increasingly mobile – 96 million of them do at least some work remotely, a recent IDC study found. By 2020, over 70% of the nation’s workforce will…

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Why Mobility Matters

What mode of network connectivity does your business rely on for its notebooks? Chances are the answer is wireless. Without it, a notebook is little more than an all-in-one desktop…

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Cutting the Cords that Hold Back Productivity

Here’s an interesting thing about organizations that embrace workplace transformation: employees’ personal experiences with technology often drive the move. That is, they love the convenience and capabilities that their personal…

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It’s Time to Get Personal

Which computing form factor best matches your professional persona? That is to say, what’s the ideal device for how and where you work, offering the capabilities you need and the…

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