Mobile Technology

The latest news and technology solutions to improve your company’s mobility infrastructure. From articles on mobility planning, initial set-up and expansion, to the newest technological advancements and business strategies, including BYOD, and more. We’ll keep you Connected with our Mobile Technology News.

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“Move faster. Transform. Do more with less. Be agile. Increase reliability. Keep us secure.” That pretty much sums up the demands put on CIOs these days. Some of those requirements…

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Adding Mobile Computing to Your Business

As organizations increasingly require access for a growing number of mobile devices, new workloads are required on back-office servers to integrate tablets and smartphones with existing applications, files, and functions….

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Windows Server 2003 Goes EOL

IT professionals face two fundamental challenges every day: 1) Keeping their enterprise’s network running, and 2) Keeping it secure. Which is why it’s so important for enterprises still relying on…

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Overcome the Challenges of Mobility in the Enterprise with IAM

When you’re planning the ideal mobile network, do you focus on strategy or tactics? Trick question – you can’t separate the two. Strategy is the plan of action to achieve…

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Introducing the Surface Pro 3

Can a tablet really replace your laptop? Microsoft thinks so. And so do we, now that we’ve met the Surface Pro 3. How can the latest Surface provide the convenience…

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