Mobile Technology

The latest news and technology solutions to improve your company’s mobility infrastructure. From articles on mobility planning, initial set-up and expansion, to the newest technological advancements and business strategies, including BYOD, and more. We’ll keep you Connected with our Mobile Technology News.

Get the Latest Stats on Mobility

Curious about what the coming year has in store for enterprise mobility? We recently partnered with industry-leading research firm IDG to see what the latest stats reveal. Do you know…

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Industry Experts Predict the Future of Mobility

With a strong trend towards company only business devices (COBD) approved in today’s workplace, you can expect only a moderate shift towards BYOD in the future, according to the experts….

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Mobility Matters

Would you be more upset if you left home without your wallet, or without your smartphone? According to a JP Morgan Chase survey, two out of five U.S. consumers would…

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What’s Happening in the Workplace?

As computing technologies advance, sometimes it’s easy for marketers to overstate the significance of this or that innovation. But step back and look at the larger picture of what’s happening…

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Developing Your Mobile Strategy

Just as the security ecosystem of an organization is dependent on the sensitive data that they are trying to protect, so too does an enterprise’s mobile strategy depend on the…

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