Cloud Computing

The latest technology news and solutions to get your business into the cloud effectively, efficiently, and securely. From articles on servers and virtualization to the latest cloud computing IT advancements. We’ll keep you Connected with our Cloud Computing News.

Can You Afford to Not Have a Hybrid Cloud Strategy?

It’s an ongoing question that IT and business leaders wrestle with: Where should critical data be stored, and what level of protection does it need? These are just a couple…

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Nervous After the HAFNIUM Attacks? It’s Time to Fight Back.

If you missed the recent news, there has been a significant nation-state attack on Microsoft Exchange on-premises servers this year. This hack affected both on-premises and hybrid environments. However, customers who…

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Microsoft Mesh: Are You Mixed Reality Ready?

Microsoft announced Mesh last week, the latest in mixed reality powered by Azure. Mesh is the future of mixed reality experiences and will work with Teams to improve to your virtual office environment. The Ready Player One vibe has me excited as an employee and a cloud enabler. I know what you…

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The Azure Migration Journey from the Perspective of a Microsoft Customer Success Champion

Working for Connection’s Microsoft team for the last five years, I’ve seen us transition from a licensing reseller to a solutions designer. That transition also turned my coworkers into “customer…

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2021 Manufacturing Trends: Offsetting Headwinds for Continued Growth

2020 has come and gone, but the lingering effects of the pandemic and economic downturn continue, combined with the always present pressure to manage costs, quality, and productivity. Even as…

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