Cloud Computing

The latest technology news and solutions to get your business into the cloud effectively, efficiently, and securely. From articles on servers and virtualization to the latest cloud computing IT advancements. We’ll keep you Connected with our Cloud Computing News.


8 Ways Emerging Technologies Make Workplaces Safer—and How Microsoft Cloud and Azure Can Help

In the wake of COVID-19, many organizations are still working remotely and plan to do so until at least early 2021. However, some businesses must have physical offices, and manufacturing…

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The Top 7 Mistakes People Make When Moving to the Cloud

Organizations are increasingly moving their applications and data to the cloud. Embracing cloud computing gives your company access to faster digital experiences, flexible storage, and experiences that your users can…

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Remote Work Has Exploded: Can Your Disaster Recovery and Cloud Backups Keep Pace?

In the wake of COVID-19, so many companies made their workers remote that it set off what Time called “the world’s largest work-from-home experiment.” One area that’s become a critical…

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Gain More Control Over Your Data—Back Up and Recover Your Microsoft Office 365 Data with Veeam

My wife and I recorded lots of videos of our child’s first year of life—all stored on our smartphones. Starting with her first belly roll and then her first words,…

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Episode 79 – Digital Transformation: Veeam and Microsoft Partner to Address the Cloud

It took nearly a decade and a pandemic, but it is now safe to say that the Cloud is considered now a major benchmark of digital transformation. Whether you have…

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