Cloud Computing

The latest technology news and solutions to get your business into the cloud effectively, efficiently, and securely. From articles on servers and virtualization to the latest cloud computing IT advancements. We’ll keep you Connected with our Cloud Computing News.

Moving to the Cloud? 6 Reasons Small Businesses Are Choosing Microsoft Azure

Could Microsoft Azure be the cloud computing solution that helps your SMB take your IT infrastructure to the next level? Moving to the cloud is the next step for many…

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5 Ways Azure’s Security Leads the Cloud Computing Industry

In today’s business landscape, companies face greater security threats that ever before. Ransomware, hackers, data breaches, scams, insider threats, and compromised third-party connections are all on the radar. Moving to…

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How Cloud Computing Solutions Help Healthcare Scale Telemedicine Efforts

America’s healthcare organizations and professionals are the front-line heroes of the battle against COVID-19. We’re so grateful for everything that you’re doing, and we know that you’re facing unprecedented demands…

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Trends in Federal IT: As A Service is Increasing Security and Saving Money

The way federal agencies access IT services and solutions has changed dramatically. From defense contractors to civilian-focused agencies, the last decade has seen a rapid shift from on-premise to cloud…

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Future-Proof Your IT: 4 Questions to Find the Right Strategy for You

Cloud computing has completely changed the way we do business—and despite common misconceptions, the impact goes way beyond where files are stored. Sales teams can access customer relationship management (CRM)…

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