Cloud Computing

The latest technology news and solutions to get your business into the cloud effectively, efficiently, and securely. From articles on servers and virtualization to the latest cloud computing IT advancements. We’ll keep you Connected with our Cloud Computing News.

What’s a CASB?

CASB is short for Cloud Access Security Broker, which is an on-premises—or cloud-based—software solution that allows organizations to enforce security policies on cloud services. CASBs typically sit between the end…

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It’s a Dry Heat—Dispatches from Microsoft Inspire 2018

While many organizations are trying to re-invent themselves to keep up with the changing technology landscape, Microsoft has decided to go back to their roots. As CEO Satya Nadella said…

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Reflections on Microsoft Inspire 2018

This year, Microsoft timed their biggest and most important partner event of the year, Inspire, with that of Microsoft Ready, their biggest and most important internal sales kickoff of the…

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Fight Back Against Complexity with Simple IT

The world has become busier, rushed, and more complex. Businesses are getting tangled up in their own technology, becoming lost in a sea of data and convoluted licensing. You cannot…

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Cloud Management Platform Comparisons and Opinions

One of the largest movements in Wi-Fi over the past decade has been to cloud-based management. It seems every single vendor has their own cloud-based management platform. To help differentiate…

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