Cloud Computing

The latest technology news and solutions to get your business into the cloud effectively, efficiently, and securely. From articles on servers and virtualization to the latest cloud computing IT advancements. We’ll keep you Connected with our Cloud Computing News.

There’s a New CSP Azure Plan—What Does It Mean for You?

In October 2019, Microsoft quietly launched a new commerce experience for Azure in their Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) program called the Azure Plan. This new plan was meant to provide…

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Drive Manufacturing Productivity and Outperform with Cloud

Cloud has a lot to offer manufacturing companies, including migrating from legacy and outdated information technology. With 45% of manufacturers planning or acting on lift-and-shift to the cloud, there exists proven…

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How the Right Microsoft Cloud Security Principles and Frameworks Can Ensure Long-term Success

After the rush to remote that happened in March 2020, most companies have rebounded to be able to quickly move employees to remote or hybrid work as the need arises….

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7 Reasons to Ensure Your Office 365 Data Is Backed Up

If there is anything that the year 2020 has taught us, it’s to be prepared. Whether we stocked up on paper towels or built the bunker to hold our gallons…

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Why Manufacturers Need to Adopt Cloud or Risk Being Left Behind

Recent studies have found that 60% of manufacturing employees prefer cloud solutions over on-premises and 74% of CFOs indicate cloud computing will have the most measurable impact on their businesses….

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