Cloud Computing

The latest technology news and solutions to get your business into the cloud effectively, efficiently, and securely. From articles on servers and virtualization to the latest cloud computing IT advancements. We’ll keep you Connected with our Cloud Computing News.

TechSperience Trends Episode 1: Cloud Myths and How to Spot Them

It’s time to put some common cloud myths to rest. Here are the most pervasive myths about the cloud and some clarification about what the cloud can actually offer your…

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Microsoft Azure Is Higher Education’s Best Ally

Just as other industries leaders have, educational leaders have certainly recognized the urgency of cloud adoption. Gartner describes this as the “cloud now” awakening happening in response to the disruptions…

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Can Public Cloud Be More Secure than Your Own Data Center?

If you’ve been doing any research into the cloud, you’re probably aware of some of the security myths—like the cloud is more prone to breaches than on-premises data centers. Also,…

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Azure MSPs Address Bandwidth Challenges and Skill Gaps

When was the last time you created and maintained an Azure production environment for your commercial business or public institution? If you are like most people, I expect your answer…

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Top Benefits of Azure Virtual Desktop

I remember how excited I was when Microsoft announced a preview of Windows Virtual Desktop in 2019. Well, at the time it was called Windows Virtual Desktop. Recently Microsoft changed…

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