Cloud Computing

The latest technology news and solutions to get your business into the cloud effectively, efficiently, and securely. From articles on servers and virtualization to the latest cloud computing IT advancements. We’ll keep you Connected with our Cloud Computing News.

Why Manufacturers Need to Adopt Cloud or Risk Being Left Behind

Recent studies have found that 60% of manufacturing employees prefer cloud solutions over on-premises and 74% of CFOs indicate cloud computing will have the most measurable impact on their businesses….

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How—and Why—to Implement an Azure DevOps Practice

The demand for cloud tools for in-house software development has increased exponentially in the last decade. In recent years, Microsoft earned kudos from the developer community and tech analysts alike…

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How to Optimize Your Cloud Costs with Azure

Saving money on computational infrastructure is the number one reason for migrating to the cloud. However, without cloud cost optimization, you may be paying more for the cloud than you should be. Optimizing cloud cost has been the top priority among…

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Cloud After COVID: How Azure Adoption Has Changed Since the Pandemic

Remember the first week of March 2020? In response to COVID-19, institutions around the globe switched operating models to avoid business disruption and to keep their employees safe. The transition…

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Gain More Control Over Your Data—Back Up and Recover Your Microsoft Office 365 Data with Veeam

My wife and I recorded lots of videos of our child’s first year of life—all stored on our smartphones. Starting with her first belly roll and then her first words,…

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