Cloud Computing

The latest technology news and solutions to get your business into the cloud effectively, efficiently, and securely. From articles on servers and virtualization to the latest cloud computing IT advancements. We’ll keep you Connected with our Cloud Computing News.

What’s Next: Manufacturing Technology Trends in 2023

I recently read a book from McKinsey, The Titanium Economy, where the authors describe the value of the manufacturing trade on our economy and how thousands of lesser-known entities are…

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8 Digital Transformation Resolutions You Need to Make in 2023

A new year brings new technology resolutions. While it goes by many names, like upgrading infrastructure or improving operations, digital transformation remains a high priority. Following are eight resolutions—and the…

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Microsoft and Citrix: A Dynamic Duo for Your Hybrid Work Environment

As we go into 2023, hybrid work is no longer the new normal, it is simply the normal. IT departments at organizations around the world have continued to come up with innovative ways to…

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Hyperscale Cloud Management Services–Support for Your IT Superhero Team

We have all watched superhero movies or a show, with the hero saving the day from whatever threat or outward obstacle they may face. Whether it’s Batman saving Gotham City…

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TechSperience Episode 112: Hybrid Cloud Strategies for the Modern Data Center

Research by IDC show that 90% of enterprises around the world are relying on a mix of on-premises, or dedicated, private clouds, as well as public clouds, and legacy platforms…

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