Throughout the school year, it can be difficult to get excited about school and remain inspired to perform at your highest level. As a college student, finding the balance between…
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In 2016, eSports was barely a blip on higher education’s screen. Only seven universities had varsity eSports teams. Parents and faculty mostly had a negative view of competitive gaming as…
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When you think of electronic sports (eSports), do you think of “community,” “team-work,” “skill” or “culture”? Unless you’ve been an avid eSports follower, then probably not. Since the dawn of…
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Welcome to the final step in our E-Rate funding series! It’s time to learn about invoicing. As soon as USAC has processed your submitted FCC Form 486, the time has…
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When starting services, you must file the FCC Form 486. This form alerts USAC that the approved discounted services have begun, you are in compliance with the CIPA requirement, and…
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