
TechSperience Trends Episode 2: Legacy vs. Cloud-Native Apps

Since COVID-19 hit, cloud-native apps have become critical to the daily operations of most companies. At the same time, a lot of people are still using several legacy apps in…

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TechSperience Trends Episode 1: Cloud Myths and How to Spot Them

It’s time to put some common cloud myths to rest. Here are the most pervasive myths about the cloud and some clarification about what the cloud can actually offer your…

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Azure Chaos Studio: The Art of Predicting Disruption in the Cloud

At the beginning of November 2021, Microsoft made a lot of announcements at Ignite, and one of those that caught my attention was the Azure Chaos Studio. The Azure Chaos…

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What’s Next for IT? Top Trends for 2022

In 2020, we (albeit unexpectedly) were forced to move our infrastructure to support a remote workforce. In turn, 2021 compelled us to address how we collaborate and best work together…

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How You Can Bridge the Cloud Skills Gap

Has uncertainty brought on by the pandemic changed the way your company works? This unplanned shift has revealed the gaps that many companies have in cloud technology and has therefore…

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