
Microsoft Office 365 CSP Is Your Gateway to the Cloud

If I said to you that Connection could offer you your monthly Office 365 subscription, along with 24×7 end-user support, and you would never have to call Microsoft support again—would…

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Keeping Up with Data Center Trends TechPulse Survey Results

Keeping Up with Data Center Trends

We have another round of TechPulse Survey results for you—this time, all about the latest converged data center trends. What’s the most important data center-related initiative in your organization? Cloud?…

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Data Center Transformation

In today’s fast-moving world, IT leaders are scrambling to keep up with innovations in mobility, cloud computing, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things. Often absent from the conversation…

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Onwards and Upwards

Many companies of various sizes and industries have commenced the race towards digital transformation. A new survey by IDG and Computerworld reveals that digital transformation is well underway, with organizational…

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Migrating to IaaS: Less Drudge Work, More Innovation

To shift IT budget dollars away from running a data center and toward higher value IT investments, more and more organizations are ramping up their move to consuming cloud-hosted Infrastructure…

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