
Drive Manufacturing Productivity and Outperform with Cloud

Cloud has a lot to offer manufacturing companies, including migrating from legacy and outdated information technology. With 45% of manufacturers planning or acting on lift-and-shift to the cloud, there exists proven…

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Why Manufacturers Need to Adopt Cloud or Risk Being Left Behind

Recent studies have found that 60% of manufacturing employees prefer cloud solutions over on-premises and 74% of CFOs indicate cloud computing will have the most measurable impact on their businesses….

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8 Ways Emerging Technologies Make Workplaces Safer—and How Microsoft Cloud and Azure Can Help

In the wake of COVID-19, many organizations are still working remotely and plan to do so until at least early 2021. However, some businesses must have physical offices, and manufacturing…

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10 Ways that System Admins Keep our Businesses Running

There are many things in business we take for granted because they are invisible to us. The reason they go unseen? Well, you can thank your System Administrators for that….

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Interview with the Experts: Azure Readiness

It is fair to say that the public cloud adoption curve is in its home stretch. Thanks to Azure virtual desktop technologies, the late adoption curve has been shrinking at…

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