
A Closer Look at 802.11ac

I had a conversation about networking performance with a customer recently, and I think many of the issues we talked about are relevant for a lot of organizations out there…

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Data Center

Windows Server 2012 Migration: What’s in It for Me?

Migrating to Microsoft’s Windows Server 2012 is focused on changing technology landscapes, work environments, and compatibility with the cloud. All of the new features and editions of the migration are…

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Server 2003 EOS: A Migration Path for Small and Medium Businesses

For large enterprises, migrating to Windows Server 2012 before Microsoft officially ends support for Server 2003 on July 14, 2015 is a massive project. Hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of servers…

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Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Migrating from Microsoft Windows Server 2003 to Microsoft Windows Server 2012 is your chance to take your relationship with virtualization to the next level. It’s also an opportunity to upgrade…

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Out with the Old – All of It!

In today’s technology, advice from your grandfather rarely applies. The old, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” homily? That may have applied to wagon wheels, but not Windows Active…

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