
Perfect Timing

Most enterprise IT professionals understand the importance of a modernized data center. Unfortunately, trying to convince the C-suite to invest in a new infrastructure can be an exercise in futility….

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Wireless WAN and LAN: Where Do You Start?

It’s the rare organization that doesn’t have a wireless network. But merely enabling wireless connectivity isn’t the same as deploying a wireless network – especially if you want one equipped…

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The ROI of Windows Server 2012 Upgrade

There’s been a lot of discussion about the 270% ROI Windows Server 2012 offers –and that’s significant. But let’s go beyond the numbers to see what else R2 has to…

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Don’t Have a Migration Plan from Windows Server 2003?

Here’s a safe prediction for 2015: by the end of summer you will have finally said goodbye to that reliable workhorse of your IT infrastructure, Windows Server 2003. In July,…

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Could a Microsoft EA Save You 45%?

I can’t promise you that one blog post is going to give you all the information you need about Microsoft’s Enterprise Agreement (EA). But I can promise that you’ll learn…

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