Cloud Computing

How Do You Decide How Much Cloud Is Right for You?

Hosted solutions/services/platforms present a learning curve for us all. With so many cloud services options available today, we are all faced with a number of challenges and questions: What data…

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Windows 10 Enterprise E3 – CSP: What’s Different?

Microsoft Corporation has been transforming their Modern Workplace offerings, utilizing the same technology that they developed for public use. It’s a great sign when a company wants you to use…

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What’s Your Right As-A-Service Mix?

It’s so exciting to see the IT marketplace evolving so rapidly and to think about the business opportunities available through properly designed cloud solutions. We have never had so many…

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What’s a CASB?

CASB is short for Cloud Access Security Broker, which is an on-premises—or cloud-based—software solution that allows organizations to enforce security policies on cloud services. CASBs typically sit between the end…

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Fight Back Against Complexity with Simple IT

The world has become busier, rushed, and more complex. Businesses are getting tangled up in their own technology, becoming lost in a sea of data and convoluted licensing. You cannot…

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