Cloud Computing

What Amazon’s Outage Reminded Us

Amazon Web Services (AWS) experienced a four-hour outage in its U.S. East-1 region. The outage is reported to have affected global business and commerce, with consultancy firm Cyence predicting the…

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The Logic of Logic Layer

The software-defined data center (SDDC) is increasingly considered to be the next step in the evolution of virtualization and cloud computing. It typically consists of three core components: network virtualization,…

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The Evolution of Desktop Virtualization

Desktop virtualization, also known as virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), as a technology born out of the hypervisor revolution of the past 10–15 years, has moved from cutting edge to mainstream,…

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Data Center

All Eyes on Server Management

The phrase “single pane of glass” is almost always included somewhere on the marketing slick for every piece of infrastructure management software. And the reason is obvious – because who…

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Manage Cloud Growth with Converged Infrastructure

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way organizations design, manage, and operate their data centers. The revolution has been swift, disruptive, and sweeping. And it’s brought about unprecedented growth across almost…

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