
Moving to the Cloud? 6 Reasons Small Businesses Are Choosing Microsoft Azure

Could Microsoft Azure be the cloud computing solution that helps your SMB take your IT infrastructure to the next level? Moving to the cloud is the next step for many…

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Three Important Lessons from a Remote-first Work World

It seems to me that since COVID-19, the conversation has been slowly shifting from how to drive adoption of Teams to how to adapt to this new remote-first work culture…

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Distance Learning Initiatives Thrive with Solutions from Microsoft

Schools across the country have had to move quickly to support remote and distance learning to ensure the safety and well-being of their students and their communities. In the scramble to achieve this,…

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5 Ways Azure’s Security Leads the Cloud Computing Industry

In today’s business landscape, companies face greater security threats that ever before. Ransomware, hackers, data breaches, scams, insider threats, and compromised third-party connections are all on the radar. Moving to…

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Windows Server 2008 End of Life: Late and Down the Rabbit Hole?

If you’ve been searching and reading articles on Windows Server 2008, you know you’re late to the show. For those of you running Windows Server operating systems, January 14, 2020…

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