TechSperience Solutions Podcast

This podcast series provides guidance on solving IT challenges with solutions and services presented by Connection partners, subject matter experts and customers.

TechSperience Episode 98: How TIDC Is Navigating the Challenges of the COVID Era

In the unprecedented COVID era, the Connection Technology Integration and Distribution Center (TIDC) is still making things happen and doing more with less. Here’s how they are mitigating the current…

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Episode 94 – Inside Access: Shifting Gears, Impacting Retail Through Operational Excellence

James Hilliard, your host, welcomes Tim Vanevenhoven from Aruba, Tim Kane from Zebra, and Brian Gallagher from Connection to talk about the trends and innovations to get you moving forward…

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Episode 93 – Inside Access: Shifting Gears, The Power of the Retail Employee

James Hillard, your host, welcomes Brian Gallagher and a special guest from Apple to today’s episode to have a discussion about the current state of retail. Our experts talk about how important…

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