Manufacturing Technology

Safety First: How Samsung’s Inertia Mobile Solution Reduces Distracted Driving on Forklifts

As warehouses increasingly equip forklifts and other industrial vehicles with mounted rugged tablets, they’re experiencing a wide range of benefits—from streamlined paperless workflows to wayfinding to real-time inventory. But distracted…

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TechSperience Episode 111: Mobility Technology Trends for In-Person Industries

Mobile technologies play a critical role in today’s digital world. While there’s a big focus on our remote and hybrid workforce, there are many industries that have frontline employees. This…

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Please Stop Factory “Hand-Me-Downs”

For most of my career, I watched a disturbing but common trend: the factory “hand-me-down.” It’s the act of taking older devices from engineers or higher-paid salary employees and passing…

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Manufacturers Deserve a Better Partner

Leading our Manufacturing Practice, I speak with dozens of clients each week, and with the reopening of most businesses, I have again been traveling across the country. The macro themes…

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