Digital Transformation

The latest news and solutions to help you tackle digital transformation in your organization. Articles cover the infrastructure, process, and organizational shifts needed to support strategic, lasting change.

eCitation Trends and Advantages

Issuing and processing citations automatically has benefitted police officers, parking enforcement personnel, and building inspectors, and the courts that process the citations. I had a chance to talk through this…

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A Retail Dream: What If You Could Start Your Business Over—from Scratch?

When it comes to retail, I am borderline obsessed. I was hooked the minute I first experienced that rush of connecting directly with a customer and experiencing their raw emotion…

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Skype for Business Online Is Going End of Life: Are you prepared?

Back in July of 2019, Microsoft announced Skype for Business Online end of life. On July 31, 2021, Microsoft will completely turn off Skype for Business Online. Unlike the Windows…

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Episode 80 – Workplace Transformation, with Rhett Livengood on Safety, Happiness, and Productivity.

The world has been talking about the growth of collaboration tools and demands on the PC market, but what else are we missing to do our jobs and do them…

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