Digital Transformation

The latest news and solutions to help you tackle digital transformation in your organization. Articles cover the infrastructure, process, and organizational shifts needed to support strategic, lasting change.

Digital Transformation: Going Beyond Automating Existing Processes

Digital transformation isn’t just about doing what IT has always done, only with better tools. It’s about leveraging the tools available now to go well beyond that, and to add…

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What Is Digital Transformation?

In the tech world, I see the phrase “digital transformation” at least a few times a week—whether it’s a fancy new marketing slick, an industry webinar, in a strategy session,…

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The Real Change in Retail

The past summer has highlighted the end of an era for three formerly major retailers.  Blockbuster Video has closed their last store in Alaska leaving one lone location remaining in…

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Dispatches from Dell Technologies World

As I sit here reflecting on the most recent Dell Technologies World, I can’t help but feel excitement for what the year has to bring for this behemoth in the…

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