In manufacturing, 87% of organizations are adopting new technologies and retrofitting legacy equipment in their effort to speed up Industry 4.0 (4IR) adoption. This is no longer just an operational technology (OT)…
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More people are working remotely than ever before, which leads to increased demands on IT and end users alike. And while employees are working machines harder, companies are pushing PC…
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Around this time last year, Slack and Microsoft Teams were still competing directly in the market. But the seamless integration of Calling and Meeting in Teams gave it a unique…
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My wife and I recorded lots of videos of our child’s first year of life—all stored on our smartphones. Starting with her first belly roll and then her first words,…
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Description: Federal agencies are faced with increasing security challenges. Many agencies know the importance of securing endpoints like printers and computers, but what they may not know is that those…
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