
Acer in Education

These days, technology plays a huge role in K–12 education and beyond. Why Acer for education, you ask? One of the great things Acer brings to the table is an…

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Do More with a Surface Device

Ever since the release of Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book last fall, these two products continue to change and excite the mobility and device landscape. New use cases continue…

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Data Security – What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

In today’s ever expanding IT ecosystem, how do you know whether your data is really secure? It’s a critical question. The numbers tell us so: Over 169 million personal records…

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Data Center

Technical Considerations of Server 2003 Migration

Whether you’re a large enterprise or a small business, migrating successfully from Windows Server 2003 to Server 2012 R2 requires detailed planning and execution. If you haven’t begun server OS…

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