Episode 93 – Inside Access: Shifting Gears, The Power of the Retail Employee

James Hillard, your host, welcomes Brian Gallagher and a special guest from Apple to today’s episode to have a discussion about the current state of retail. Our experts talk about how important…

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Episode 92 – Connection Inside Access: Shifting Gears, Retail to E-Tail: Understanding the Ecommerce Journey.

In today’s episode, James Hilliard, your host, welcomes Brian Gallagher, Retail Strategy Business Dev. Director at Connection, and Jamal Khan, President Global Digital and Ecommerce at Connection, to engage in a thoughtful discussion around…

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Drive Manufacturing Productivity and Outperform with Cloud

Cloud has a lot to offer manufacturing companies, including migrating from legacy and outdated information technology. With 45% of manufacturers planning or acting on lift-and-shift to the cloud, there exists proven…

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How the Right Microsoft Cloud Security Principles and Frameworks Can Ensure Long-term Success

After the rush to remote that happened in March 2020, most companies have rebounded to be able to quickly move employees to remote or hybrid work as the need arises….

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Episode 91 – Three Ways to Support K12 Education Through the CARES Act

Penny Conway, your host, is joined by Pamela Aulakh and Kevin Schmid to today’s episode to talk about the three ways that the CARES Act can support K12 education and how…

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