Once you have completed and certified your Form 471, the Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) team from USAC will begin reviewing your application and checking for accuracy and completeness. If the PIA requires more information, they will send out a request, you will have a 15-day deadline to reply.
Every application submitted goes through the same process. There is an initial and final review done on each application. It is possible that the PIA will have questions. Topics that generally require more information include eligibility of an entity receiving services or the services themselves, discount calculations, and contracts. Service providers can help answer the requests from PIA.

In addition to the initial and final review, there is possibility of a selective review. If a selective review is started, the PIA may request detailed responses, including documentation of the competitive bidding process, how the bids were evaluated, proof the applicant portion can be paid for, and that the customer was able to obtain the needed resources.
When the PIA completes their review process, the funding commitment decision letter is sent out via EPC portal to both you (the applicant) and your chosen service provider. While looking over the Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL), pay close attention to detail. If there is anything on the FCDL that you disagree with or believe is incorrect, you can submit an appeal to USAC.
So that’s it—almost! You’ve gotten a commitment for your funding, but we’re not quite finished yet. Be sure to check back soon for Step 5: Starting Services.I
If you haven’t read Step 1, Step 2 or Step3 you can check them out on Connected Community.