Why Standardization Across Hybrid IT Environments Improves Data Protection

As businesses increasingly adopt multicloud hybrid environments, data protection becomes more challenging. By nature, multicloud and hybrid environments expand the potential attack surface, opening new vectors through which threats can…

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AI and Camera Vision Are Transforming Facilities

For decades, businesses of all types have been increasing the number of machines in their facilities to automate tasks and streamline processes. The issue is that no matter how many…

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AI Appreciation Day: Looking Back on the Past—and Toward the Future

AI Appreciation Day: Looking Back on the Past—and Toward the Future

Today, as we commemorate AI Appreciation Day, I find myself reflecting on the transformative journey of the past two decades since I first ventured into the realm we now recognize…

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Connection and Premier: A Partnership That Has Withstood the Test of Time

Connection is now in its 22nd year as an approved supplier of IT products, services, and solutions to the Premier membership—the largest healthcare group purchasing organization (GPO) in the country….

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AI in Healthcare: A Revolution in Progress

AI is rapidly transforming the healthcare landscape. Its remarkable ability to analyze vast datasets and uncover hidden patterns has opened new frontiers in disease diagnosis, treatment optimization, and patient management….

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