Take a break from the deep tech talks and join us for a fun post SuperBowl chat as Penny and Rob talk about SuperBowl commercials. Also listen in as we…
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Part II of our series on AI continues as we podcast about how Artificial Intelligence is impacting Cyber Security. Join Penny and her guest Jamal Khan as they talk CycSec,…
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Join us for a fun look at tech and all the latest Tech News including: Why Tech Giants are looking to eSports stars to promote their streaming platforms FBI haults…
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Poly voice and video is discussed from a “Teams” perspective. What you’re missing could hurt you. Is your collaboration strategy all that it could be? Our experts discuss teams, poly,…
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Social Media is being socially responsible. Learn about one woman’s plight to end harassment on a popular social site and how leadership responded. Listen to more TechSperience podcasts
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