Education Technology

Timely articles, commentaries, interviews, and news on a broad range of topics for education IT professionals. Find the information you need to develop strategy, make cost-effective IT decisions, and manage your IT projects. We’ll keep you Connected with our Education Technology News so that you can enhance the learning experience with innovative IT solutions.

Success Story: Our Public Sector Team Helps a Florida School System Modernize

The public sector is continuously facing the challenges of implementing emerging technologies among budget constraints and department adoption policies. Modernizing legacy systems is mission critical for IT departments. A methodical…

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Rhea’s E-Rate Rap Part 2: Applicant Responsibilities and Securing Funds

When it comes to getting approved for E-Rate, the process can be time consuming. However, once the funds have been committed to your project, all the time and energy you…

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Rhea’s E-Rate Rap

At Connection, we participate in E-Rate. This is a federally funded program managed by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to help K–12 schools and libraries with telecommunications and Internet…

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HP Education Edition PCs Are Built for Students and Classrooms

Here at Connection, we take education very seriously. We aim to stimulate student learning with modern technology, and transform the traditional teaching environment into a 21st century classroom with no…

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