Security Landscape Optimization

Is Your Organization Getting the Most Use Out of Your Microsoft Contract?

A common story we hear as consultants is that our clients aren’t ready to bring modern technology to their Microsoft contracts because they hardly have the time to deploy what…

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The Power of User Profiling and Connection’s Premium Landscape Optimization Process

In today’s technology driven world, Microsoft licensing can be highly complex. Trying to figure out which product suites contain all the functionality and feature sets your organization needs can be…

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The Cybersecurity Roadmap to a Safer Future

Organizations all over the globe are challenged with combating the massive increase in cyberattacks head on. Whether it be nation- or state-sponsored cybercrime or just your general nuisance hacker, the…

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Adopting a Zero Trust Cybersecurity Model

The recent shifts from in-person to online or hybrid environments has forced organizations to reexamine their cybersecurity practices and protocols. Keeping information and data safe has been more challenging as…

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