Internet of Things

Keeping IT Safe

Few would argue that mobile devices have increased worker productivity and business agility. But those benefits come with the cost of exposing organizations to increasing numbers of network access points…

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Our Continuously Connected Lives: What’s Your ‘App’-titude?

With the continued evolution of IoT devices and the rapid pace of software innovation, everyone needs to change their ‘app’-titude around security. As business leaders, you are not only modeling…

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Three Emerging Technologies that Could Weaken Security

The Internet of Things (IoT), cloud-based service delivery, and enterprise social media all promise tremendous benefits in agility, innovation, collaboration, and marketing. Yet each carry significant new security risks. We…

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Expanding Technology:

These days, everything connects to the Internet in some way or another. People carry a minimum of three devices with them at all times: their phone, their notebook, and their…

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The DX Economy: Transform or Perish

Most of today’s IT and business conversations include references to big data, analytics, mobility, Internet of Things, social media, security, and cloud – and while they all play increasingly critical…

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