Internet of Things

Our Continuously Connected Lives: What’s Your ‘App’-titude?

With the continued evolution of IoT devices and the rapid pace of software innovation, everyone needs to change their ‘app’-titude around security. As business leaders, you are not only modeling…

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Three Emerging Technologies that Could Weaken Security

The Internet of Things (IoT), cloud-based service delivery, and enterprise social media all promise tremendous benefits in agility, innovation, collaboration, and marketing. Yet each carry significant new security risks. We…

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Expanding Technology:

These days, everything connects to the Internet in some way or another. People carry a minimum of three devices with them at all times: their phone, their notebook, and their…

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The DX Economy: Transform or Perish

Most of today’s IT and business conversations include references to big data, analytics, mobility, Internet of Things, social media, security, and cloud – and while they all play increasingly critical…

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Networking’s Ugly Truth

If digital transformation, what IDC calls DX, is in your future – and IT IS – then the ugly truth is that your network infrastructure will have to change radically….

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