Healthcare IT

Give Patients the Time and Care They Need

Beep beep beep beep beep. Ding ding. Ding ding. “Paging Dr. Smith, please see room 123.” Beep beep beep. These are sounds we did not hear when my father was…

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HIMSS19: Striving to Transform Health and Healthcare

The theme of HIMSS19 in Orlando was “Champions of Health Unite,” and that sense of unity was palpable during the opening keynote, an event that included a veritable who’s who…

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Get Ready for HIMSS19

We are now approaching my favorite event of the year—the HIMSS Annual Conference! The theme of the 2019 conference is “Champions of Health Unite,” and that motif could not more…

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Why Industry Training for Salespeople Matters

At Connection, we have a particular focus in the healthcare, retail, and manufacturing industries, with dedicated resources and expertise specific to each. I’ve personally been selling into, supporting, and otherwise…

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Take Healthcare Mobile with the Right Complement of Solutions

At Connection, our goal is to assist our healthcare clients in achieving the Triple Aim: improve the patient experience, advance the health of populations, and reduce the per capita cost…

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