
Microsoft Office 365 CSP Is Your Gateway to the Cloud

If I said to you that Connection could offer you your monthly Office 365 subscription, along with 24×7 end-user support, and you would never have to call Microsoft support again—would…

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Understanding the Meltdown-Spectre Issue

What is this Meltdown-Spectre thing that everyone is talking about? First of all, Meltdown-Spectre is not a close cousin to WannaCry—which was a malware attack. Meltdown-Spectre is instead a blind…

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The Very Important Extras (VIEs) of the IT World

Picture yourself at a wedding. At one time or another you have been at a table with a bunch of people who you’ve never met before—and at first sight you…

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Meet Hiring Pressures Head-on

The thought of a new year is exciting—new beginnings, clean slate, new goals, fresh start. The new year can bring on as much excitement for what’s to come as well…

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The Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities: Get the Lowdown

1/23/18 Update — Reports, patches, and updates are still coming forward. We are continuing to monitor the situation as it develops. Here are a few links to help keep you updated…

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