Is Flash A Good Fit for You?

Recently I wrote a blog on a basic breakdown of flash technology. For this round, I’m going to delve a little deeper into the subject of storage and your organization….

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Introducing the Surface Pro 3

Can a tablet really replace your laptop? Microsoft thinks so. And so do we, now that we’ve met the Surface Pro 3. How can the latest Surface provide the convenience…

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More Than a Flash in the Pan

Pop quiz! How old is hard drive technology? Did it take off in the ‘80s? How about 1970s? 1960s, even? Try 1956. Nearing its 60th birthday, today’s hard drive is…

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Windows Server 2003 EOS

For months now, it seems IT professionals have been barraged with horror stories and scare tactics (from both Partners and Microsoft) about what will happen after Microsoft cuts support for…

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It’s More than a Necessity; It’s an Opportunity

You’ve probably read enough dire warnings about the terrible things that will affect your business if you keep using Windows Server 2003 past Microsoft’s announced End of Support deadline in…

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