Optimize Your Data Center with a Trusted Partner

How Service Point Benefited from Connection’s Services

Heather Eakin
Data Center

When Sean Donnelly, IT Manager at Service Point USA, wanted to optimize his company’s data center, he called Connection. Based out of Massachusetts, Service Point provides services and software that enables their clients to experience greater efficiency in document, print, and information management. Working with Connection, he was able to move to a virtualized infrastructure. As the Senior Services Manager on the account, I was able to work with Sean and our Connection team to get his new servers configured exactly the way he needed them.

Sean had a lot of outdated hardware that wasn’t performing up to expectations in his data center. He realized he could either continue to purchase single physical servers or he could implement a more flexible solution, like virtualization. This type of solution would grow with his company and let him get the most out of his data center resources. Our Connection team helped Sean install new servers with VMware, which reduced the downtime he’d experienced from his older servers, as well as provided other great benefits, such as ease of management of his servers, as well as extending the life of older applications.

As the only IT person in the entire company, Sean found Connection’s help on this project invaluable. “As a first step, Connection implemented vSphere jumpstart program for us, for proof of concept,” Sean said. “This was our first venture into virtualization into the SAN area, and with the help of their professional services team, we came up with a plan of what they would do and what I need to do. They executed it flawlessly.”

For more insight into our work with Sean at Service Point USA, check out his episode of our Connection Point podcast.

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