Get a Smart Start to Your Hyper-Convergence Journey

Begin with a Network Assessment

Kurt Hildebrand

IT professionals know from experience that the growing complexity of enterprise technology makes data center management more important than ever, yet increasingly difficult.

Traditional IT infrastructures struggle to meet the performance needs of enterprises in the digital and mobile economy, in which agility, flexibility, and scalability are competitive necessities. Further, IT resources and money get directed toward low-level admin chores, hardware expenditures, and maintenance costs rather than enabling strategic business goals.

Hyper-converged systems provide data centers with multiple infrastructure components in a single, modular appliance to streamline network and systems management while offering the functionality and interoperability required to support the business. Hyper-convergence makes data center management simpler and less costly while delivering to enterprises a number of significant competitive and operational benefits.

If you’re among the growing number of CIOs and other enterprise decision makers ready to leverage the advantages of hyper-converged data centers, where do you start? An ideal place is by getting a realistic assessment of your current network. This will give you a good idea of what you already have, as well as what you will need, to migrate to a hyper-converged system.

Connection conducts in-depth network infrastructure assessments for enterprises interested in upgrading or expanding their network. These assessments can help you gain a clear understanding of your existing network’s capabilities and shortcomings.

One of the biggest challenges for IT managers running expanding data centers is keeping track of assets and equipment. Connection’s Network Assessment service begins with the creation of graphical map that clarifies your network hardware layout, allowing you (perhaps for the first time!) true transparency into your network’s physical infrastructure.

The next step is generating a detailed inventory of hardware and software lifecycles, along with a report showing which devices are creating performance bottlenecks.

Once a full assessment is conducted, Connection will provide enterprise IT decision makers with a comprehensive network asset report, a network topography (generated with Microsoft Visio), and a detailed analysis of both Windows servers and network efficiency. The assessment’s final report will include recommendations for improving your network’s performance.

Connection can get you started toward a full assessment of your network with a kickoff call to review the project and schedule delivery of a network assessment appliance to your site. The appliance collects your network’s data for five days, after which Connection analyzes the data, generates reports, and makes recommendations.

Migrating to hyper-converged infrastructures can transform data centers and the enterprises they drive. But the journey toward hyper-convergence can’t really begin unless you know where you are. An experienced guide can’t hurt either.

Learn more about Connection’s Network Assessment here.