Federal Health IT Strategic Plan and Artificial Intelligence

Jennifer Johnson

In my first two blog posts in this series, Federal Health IT Strategic Plan and Third Party Risk and Federal Health IT Strategic Plan and Managed Services, I examined how the ONC’s 2024–2030 Federal IT Strategic Plan will impact healthcare public policy and create the foundation for how we live our healthiest lives.

The four goals of the 2024–2030 plan are:

  • Promote Health and Wellness
  • Enhance the Delivery and Experience of Care
  • Accelerate Research and Innovation
  • Connect the Health System with Health Data

In the third blog of this four-part series, I’ll review how the federal government plans on advancing opportunities for individuals, researchers, technologists, and other digital health users to accelerate scientific discovery and innovation.

Goal Three: Accelerate Research and Innovation


  • Ensure that researchers and other health IT users have appropriate access to health data to drive individual and population health improvement
  • Individual and population-level research and analysis are enhanced by IT
  • Researchers advance health equity by using health data that includes underrepresented groups

Amy Webb, author, futurist, and darling of SXSW (attendees queue up in lines overnight to hear her speak) likens the fear around artificial intelligence to the fear you have when you learn how to drive on the ice. When your car begins to slide, your instinct is to slam on the brakes, but the safest thing to do is steer into the skid.

The ONC’s strategy reflects both the opportunity to broaden the use of new technologies while increasing transparency when and where AI is used. There’s a strong predilection for the power of pattern recognition within disparate and unstructured data and equally strong wording that addresses algorithmic discrimination and bias in health IT. Curative properties that propel diagnosis will be found in data that doesn’t yet exist. Each of these objectives have separate strategies that empower patients to consent to how and when their data is used, and that de-identified health information is protected from re-identification. Innovation can’t come at the expense of individual privacy.

Connection is your trusted source for the compassionate and ethical use of embedded and generative AI.  Connection’s Helix Center for Applied AI and Robotics offers technical expertise, end-to-end solutions, and deep partnerships that address six critical success factors in healthcare AI projects: Ethical Foundations of AI in Healthcare, Data Privacy and Security Measures, Building and Maintaining Trust through Transparency, Stakeholder Engagement and Collaborative Practices, Regulatory and Compliance Standards, and Implementation Challenges and Strategies.

If you want to learn more about how Connection can help transform your healthcare organization to unlock the capabilities needed to drive growth and productivity, you can find more information at www.connection.com/helix or watch our latest webinar: Responsible AI in Digital Health and Life Science.

Jennifer Johnson, Director Healthcare Strategy and Business Development, joined Connection in 2010 starting in field sales and joined the healthcare practice in 2015. Jennifer has more than 20 years in IT, including prior roles in distribution and manufacturing. Jennifer holds her Certified Digital Health Leader designation from the CHIME organization, is a member of HIMSS, where Connection is a diamond sponsor, and has most recently been named a CRN Women of the Channel in 2023 and 2024.