
Episode 40 – What the Tech Just Happened

Join us for a fun look at tech and all the latest Tech News including: Why Tech Giants are looking to eSports stars to promote their streaming platforms FBI haults…

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Episode 38 – What The Tech Just Happened

Social Media is being socially responsible.  Learn about one woman’s plight to end harassment on a popular social site and how leadership responded.   Listen to more TechSperience podcasts

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Episode 37 – What The Tech Just Happened?

Tech topics include Mobility and wearables, Y2K bug hits parking meters, Microsoft EOL for Windows 7 is here, Disney plus and more!  Join us for a fun morning tech chat…

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Episode 36 – eSports Roundtable Podcast

eSports has millions of fans from all walks of life tuning in to the action.  Listen in as we explore the world of competitive video gaming with some of Connection’s…

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