Healthcare Technology

TechSperience Episode 111: Mobility Technology Trends for In-Person Industries

Mobile technologies play a critical role in today’s digital world. While there’s a big focus on our remote and hybrid workforce, there are many industries that have frontline employees. This…

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5 Healthcare Digital Innovation Trends for 2021

2020 was a year of disruption. The ways we work, shop, and learn were upended as interactions moved primarily online for safety. But perhaps no industry has been transformed by…

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Why Hospitals Need Cyber Security to Survive COVID-19

Hospitals need optimal cyber security now more than ever. The rise of telehealth and the shift in healthcare employees working off-premises during COVID-19 have ushered in a vicious surge of…

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Give Patients the Time and Care They Need

Beep beep beep beep beep. Ding ding. Ding ding. “Paging Dr. Smith, please see room 123.” Beep beep beep. These are sounds we did not hear when my father was…

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