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Get to Market Faster with Xamarin DevOps Tools

Patrick Renzi

As a small ISV start-up, you truly face a tough task. How can you compete against more established software developers without cutting deeply into your bottom line? Creating new IP takes time, and testing that IP takes even longer. You could cut time by developing your application for only one platform: developing for only iOS will reach a larger subset of clients; while developing for Android may take less time. Focusing on just one platform may save time, but you are also limiting your audience of mobile users. If only there was a tool to simplify coding to normalize your app across all platforms. Someone must have been listening, because now there is!

Get Up to Speed with Xamarin

Xamarin is a DevOps tool created for the sole purpose of normalizing your applications and cutting your time to market. Recently purchased by Microsoft, Xamarin is now available to all Azure and Visual Studio customers. It automates the process of testing your application’s coding across all the major mobile platforms and form factors. The tool then “normalizes” the code, ensuring your application can be distributed for all mobile users. This increases your total footprint and offers the best chance to reach the highest number of clients.

Accelerate Your Mobile Strategy

The Xamarin tool allows you to free up developers’ time to work on new projects and builds. And since your applications will be tested across all platforms, your client experience will also be successful. Getting to market faster will help you recognize revenue sooner, too. Increasing sales while cutting operating costs is a win-win situation. With the power and scalability of Azure cloud as the backbone of your new end-user experience, what will you build next?