The world is hearing about this race to digital transformation. We have to learn about it given the sheer volume and velocity of new devices and data impacting our networks…
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Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are the most common way to establish IT service expectations. However, building the appropriate SLAs is challenge, enforcing such SLA attainment while maintaining associate cost structures…
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You’ve taken the plunge and decided to make the switch to Office 365. The first step was, naturally, completing the licensing purchase. Regardless of how you’ve made this purchase, there…
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As a small ISV start-up, you truly face a tough task. How can you compete against more established software developers without cutting deeply into your bottom line? Creating new IP…
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Security is top of mind for everyone these days. With all the latest news of high-profile cyber attacks, it’s no wonder. Everyone needs to pay better attention to security –…
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