Search Results for: services

Manufacturing IT Trends for 2024: Embracing Innovation, Data-driven Insights, and Workforce Augmentation

The manufacturing industry is undergoing an accelerated transformation driven by technological advancements, cost management, evolving market demands, workforce challenges, and a growing emphasis on creating a competitive advantage. As we…

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Bulk Up Security with SIEM and XDR

Ransomware attacks have increased significantly due to the shifting remote and hybrid workforce. Your organization’s IT structure now spans across on-premises, hybrid-cloud, and multi-cloud environments. This gives security and IT…

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Get Ready for More Cybersecurity Disclosures

Over the past few years, we’ve seen a rise in cybersecurity events in manufacturing, both in the public domain and through our client engagements. This also bears out in industry…

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8 Must-ask Questions for a Robust Backup Strategy

Companies that don’t have a data backup and recovery strategy risk data loss with potentially catastrophic consequences to their businesses. They can face extended downtime, loss of revenue, and a…

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How to Effectively Leverage AI in Your Data Backup and Recovery Processes

With businesses generating vast amounts of data daily, the challenge of effectively backing up and recovering this information is more difficult than ever. Lengthy downtimes and incomplete recovery are often…

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