The technology world is full of interesting people. A particular stereotype of an IT expert includes the laser-focused, pocket protector persona who sits in a room with their computers troubleshooting all day. But I’d like to debunk that myth by starting to introduce some great folks in IT who do some really fabulous things with their lives beyond the office.
Steve Thompson is the IT Director at Rheonix and spends his day solving issues with servers, setting up access points, dealing with SAP, managing Microsoft licensing—not to mention budgeting, forecasting, and overseeing infrastructure in general. In an IT world of ones and zeros, there’s little room for creativity… So how do you find a creative outlet? Steve writes—and mostly to prove that he can do more than fix computers!
He discovered his affinity for writing after starting a book called Henry’s Online, primarily on a dare from his children. Steve merged the love for his IT day-job with his creative vision and began to write a story of a young boy discovering computers and how they can save the world. Steve started in IT as a kid working in a mainframe environment, and his experience quickly morphed into working on desktops, servers, and client server software architecture. It is from his early start in IT where he drew inspiration for Henry’s Online. He was able to publish Henry’s Online on Amazon, and then took on a new venture— a book about cooking.

Steve’s latest book is called There Are Many Tools in the Kitchen (Don’t Be One of Them). This satirical story wraps 1980s movies, 70s and 80s television, some saucy romantic references, and a lot of snarky storytelling into an everyday user’s guide to being more effective in the kitchen. By poking fun at people who claim to grill year-round and who think they have the “best chili ever,” Steve teaches readers not to use a bunch of fancy words to cook. He skips the recipes and instead gives practical advice on being healthy, happy, and normal in your kitchen. Guides to unusual kitchen tools and words that you should never use in your kitchen support entire chapters on expert cooking tips.
The satirical writing and cynical humor in Steve’s books are driven by his ability to see fads and trends, and the pure entertainment found in people-watching. After making fun of people who think they’re great in the kitchen, Steve plans to go back to his roots and write about those who call themselves IT Experts. He’ll call out the “Posers” in the technology field, and explain how the Internet and technology have changed our lives, for better and for worse. What has the Internet done and how has it changed our modern world? What would life be like without it? To that Steve asks, have you ever seen King Kong? The saying goes that if it’s not on the Internet, it’s not real, and Steve is going to put the mystery back into life by demystifying what’s out there in the most satirically-humorous way possible. He guarantees you’ll believe in Bigfoot after reading this book!
Steve Thompson and Rheonix have been a Connection customer for over 10 years, and it has been an absolute pleasure building lasting and supportive business relationships with the Rheonix team. It is the trust and the human connections that we build with our customers that allow us to more effectively solve IT together. Hopefully, every month I can present you with another interesting person who has found a way to enhance their own life and the lives of others.