Company News & Announcements

The latest announcements from Connection and its subsidiaries. Get updates from our company, including changes made to serve our customers better. As the technology industry evolves, so too does our company. We are constantly trying to improve our products, services, and solutions. We’ll keep you Connected with our Announcements.

Connection Recognized with U.S. Innovator of the Year Award at Cisco Marketing Velocity 2019

At Cisco’s annual marketing conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, Connection was recognized with the Marketing Velocity U.S. Innovator of the Year award for its creativity, leadership, and best practice across…

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Connection Enterprise Solutions Group Named Dell EMC 2016 Healthcare Partner of the Year

Connection, an industry-leading National Technology Solutions Provider of a full range of information (IT) solutions to business, government, and education markets, announced that Connection® Enterprise Solutions Group has won Dell…

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Connection® Wins Microsoft Operations Excellence Award

Connection, an industry-leading National Technology Solutions Provider of a full range of information (IT) solutions to business, government, and education markets, announced that it has won the Gold Level Excellence…

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Connection Acquires Softmart

Connection announced today that it acquired Softmart, a global supplier of information technology and service solutions. Headquartered in the Philadelphia metropolitan area, Softmart, Inc. has served technology users for over…

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Connection to participate in the Microsoft Devices Program

Connection has been chosen by Microsoft to participate in the Microsoft Devices Program, which will allow the organization to sell Surface Pro and Surface RT to commercial customers. The goal…

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