Sreeraj Vasukuttan

Sreeraj Vasukuttan is a Technical Marketing Manager at Connection with a passion for technology and marketing. He enjoys writing about cloud, security, and end-user compute. In his free time, he loves watching films, cooking, and traveling with his family.

Understanding Digital Transformation and the Role of Microsoft 365 in a Transforming World

What is Digital Transformation? Is it just an overused buzz word or is it the most exciting thing happening at the intersection of technology, society, and macroeconomics? I started hearing…

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Understanding the Meltdown-Spectre Issue

What is this Meltdown-Spectre thing that everyone is talking about? First of all, Meltdown-Spectre is not a close cousin to WannaCry—which was a malware attack. Meltdown-Spectre is instead a blind…

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