Ryan Spurr

Ryan Spurr is the Director of Manufacturing Strategy and a Helix AI Advisory Director with 25 years of experience in manufacturing, information technology, and portfolio leadership. He leads Connection's Manufacturing practice, go-to-market strategy, client engagement, and advisory services focusing on artificial intelligence, information technology, and operational technology that make manufacturers more digitally excellent. 

The Top Use Cases of AR in Manufacturing

When it comes to adopting new technologies, look no further than the home and the next generation of end users. I was visiting friends recently, and their kids were walking…

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Smart Manufacturing: Achieve Better Performance with Fanless Edge Devices

Most manufacturers are investing in smart manufacturing, which means increasing the number of edge-based computing devices in factories, warehouses, yards, and other environments. To put this transformation into perspective, let’s…

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Intrinsically Safe Devices Avoid Explosive Situations in Manufacturing

As manufacturers advance smart manufacturing initiatives, add digital work instructions and traceability, or deliver actionable insight to more frontline workers, most think about form factor, security, and durability. However, some…

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The Benefits of Waterproof and Sanitizable Devices for Manufacturing Industries that Require More Compliance

Some manufacturing industries require more capabilities than the typical end-user device can offer when it comes to modern manufacturing processes. This couldn’t be truer than in the pharmaceutical and food…

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What OSHA’s New HEATNEP Mandate Means for You

New Programs to Improve Safety In April 2022, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released directive CPL 03-00-024, a National Emphasis Program (NEP) focused on enhancing and expanding inspections…

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