Becky Lawlor

Becky Lawlor has been covering the convergence of business and technology for over a decade. Her writing focuses on emerging trends in big data, IoT, AI, mobility, cyber security, cloud computing, and more. She especially enjoys examining how these technologies are impacting critical business and public sectors such as healthcare, education, government, and retail. You can find more of her writing and insights on Twitter @lawlor_becky.

How to Effectively Leverage AI in Your Data Backup and Recovery Processes

With businesses generating vast amounts of data daily, the challenge of effectively backing up and recovering this information is more difficult than ever. Lengthy downtimes and incomplete recovery are often…

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8 Reasons Enterprises Are Embracing Microsoft Azure for Cloud Services

Is your team spending too much time and money on support, maintenance, and administration of legacy physical infrastructure? Are you struggling to scale your on-premises environments or finding that the…

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5 Healthcare Digital Innovation Trends for 2021

2020 was a year of disruption. The ways we work, shop, and learn were upended as interactions moved primarily online for safety. But perhaps no industry has been transformed by…

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Retail associate looking up inventory on tablet

Enable Smarter and More-Connected Retail Operations

Have you ever gone to a store only to discover that they don’t have the size you need or the item you want? You then ask the sales associate if…

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employees trying out new technology

4 Reasons to Give Your Retail Employees a Say in Tech Choices

As retailers look to further bridge the gap between the in-store and digital experience, putting technology into frontline employees’ hands is essential. However, choosing the wrong technology can negatively impact…

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