This podcast series provides guidance on solving IT challenges with solutions and services presented by Connection partners, subject matter experts and customers.
In this episode of TechSperience, Penny Conway has a frank discussion with Jamal Khan, President of Global Digital and eCommerce Marketing for Connection, on AI and how machine learning is…
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On this episode of TechSperience, Penny Conway has a fun and interesting perspective talk with Lane Shelton on the cultural differences between Google and Microsoft. Listen and see if you…
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Episode 07 of Connection TechSperience focuses on a great organization celebrating the accomplishments of Women in Technology. Dale Howard and Judy Rafferty talk with Penny Conway and how women help…
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In this episode of Connection Techsperience Penny Conway and John Fuhrman take a deep dive into the world of UCAAS – Unified Communication as a Service. Learn about UCAAS, how…
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On this episode of Connection TechSperience, Colonel Robert Prickett of the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office is interviewed by James Hilliard on mobile device technology in law enforcement. Learn how mobile…
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